Saturday, July 14, 2007

Non-existant Nostalgian Resurfacing

As confusing as it sounds it's what it is....I still don't know why it feels like you can remember feeling something that you never felt or being somewhere you never were. I don't believe in that Deja` Vuu bullshit. I think it's real. Or maybe I'm just fascinated with history...or both, ah, who cares?! Anyway, I still haven't finished reading that biography on Jim Morrison. It's a great read, yes, but it has many pages and I have little time. But the point is that his life, the way he thought and acted, it just seems like he suffered from something odd, to say the least. He was almost like a whole bunch of people in one body. There was the Lizard King that we all know and love (or love to hate, in some cases), James Douglas Morrison the poet whom could be a generally decent persom to converse and get along with, then there was the drunken, boisterous, profane Jim, and so many more. He has countless facets to his personality. I'm being pressed to get offline so I'll recount the rest of what rang through my head later...If I remember what that was! XD Well, I should end this post then.


What I'm Readin': "Jim Morrison : Life, Death, Legend" - Stephen Davis

Song Of The Day: "Communication Breakdown" - Led Zeppelin