Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Where I have Been

It's been awhile since I've posted! x_x Well now it is the middle of summer vacation and I'm pretty much bored. A lot of good things have happened though. I have started playing the piano again (not taking lessons I'm just playing it for fun) and I beat Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht! Now I can play episode II! I found out about a new site that I can legally download free music and AMVs also. It is called Ares Lite. I got into the habit of making homemade playing cards. I have made almost seven decks. Deck 1: Final Fantasy (FF7 through FF11). Deck 2: Sailor Moon. Deck 3: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Deck 4: Kingdom Hearts. Deck 5: Fruits Basket (currently unfinished due to lack of knowledge of characters and I don't want to spoil who is the spirit of what). Deck 6: Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht. Deck 7: Rurouni Kenshin (currently in progress). I also found a neat virtual pet site called GoPets. If you want a pet (duh) you have to download the GoPets client thingy to use it. I haven't tried it yet but you can buy clothes, wigs, and accessories for your pet and make it wear them. I'll add that to the linklist. My neopet QuatreRebabreWinner is going to pay a visit to my blog. Here he is
QuatreRaberbaWinner Well bye now!

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