Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Actually Had A Reason This Time

I have a real reason why I wasn't posting for a little while. I had marching band camp and I was very tired after going from 8am - 5pm every day in the heat that was well over 105 degress farenheight, then we went camping while I was also in the middle of band camp. My cat, Maxine, had also had her kittens finally. She had three but two died of starvation because her milk dried up completely after the first few days. The remaining kitten is still alive after we have fed him with an eyedropper and since my sister had twins we borrowed her baby formula. The kitten's name is Maynard and he is about 2 weeks old now and his eyes are starting to open. It is good that he has made it this far, so let's hope he can live long enough to eat on his own. Since my mother is gone taking a test at the hospital (it's nothing serious it's a sleeping thing) I have to wake up and feed Maynard every couple hours in the night, but I'm fine with that, in a way it's almost like a human child except a little less work. My birthday is coming up and my mother may let me have a cell phone. The kaleidoscope future is an unfolding revelation...(yes I made that up, I have always wanted to say something cool like that!) Until next time!

Song of the Day: "Summer Time Blues" - Alan Jackson

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