Tuesday, July 18, 2006

5 days in Hell

Yes as the title hints, I will be spending five (count on your fingers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5) days back at Snows Lake Campground! x_x And I will most likely not be able to have a friend come over during that time. Last time I at least had Paul to accompany me for two days out of eight, but it kept me from crying my eyes out of boredom. I have started to like it there a little bit more, but it is getting harder to entertain myself as I get older...I truly enjoy swinging and listening to my CD Player at the same time. (I love CD's and iPod's suck because they are some technologic piece of shit, don't get me started on 'em I hate them and refused to get one when I was asked if I wanted one when my brother got his) But It is getting hard to even do that up there because I will swing about 2 or 3 times a day and I sit for about 2 hours each time so I survive off AA batteries, CD's, and a swing set that sits way too low for me and makes all my toes on my right foot go numb. I have a burn on my arm from the chain rubbing against my skin from the back-and-forth rythm. I tried throwing the swing over the set one time so I could raise it a little, but I swing on it too long and it causes the chain to grind and after four days of multiple visits on the same swing, the chain finally snapped. I got another burn from the chain running along my arm when it snapped. That has to be the fifth time I have broken a swing (first in public though). The other four have happened at home on a 20+ year old swing set. That swing breaking must be telling me that I'm getting too old: Currently I'm a month away from 14 years old, I weigh 115 lbs, and I stand at 5 feet, and 2 and a half inches. I consider myslef short because I am the little person amongst all my friends and have lost all hope of getting taller. I see being short as a sign of inferiority of myself, the same thing goes for me being physically weak and not being able to play any sport in existence well enough to enjoy it. (I have been told that I am a pretty fast runner though, but I wouldn't last a day in track because all the track girls are bitches and joining track isn't worth the harassment) I think I have bashed myself enough for now....I don't want to get onto depressing topics such as what I have previously discussed, but I do not have much to say, because I am bored at the moment and I usually depress myself when I get bored because I cannot think of anything to do. Tomorrow I leave for the "Campground from Hell", but thankfully I have piano lessons before that so I have something to look forward to. I won't be able to post on here for a few days because there is no internet where I'm going but I'll be back to tell you how it went. And I am curious if anyone reads these ramblings, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm just typing to myself here. Please comment just to say you at least visited this blog, it would make me feel happy. Thanks!

Song of the Day (because Word of the Day was boring me): "Cat People (Putting Out The Fires)" - Gosling

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