Friday, January 26, 2007

Sometimes, To Take Guitar Lessons, You Must Consult Your Elementary Years...

I'm in computer apps class again. I have the whole hour of free time because I got the long assignment from yesterday finished yesterday. I didn't post yesterday because all I did was go to school, nothing important there, go to piano lessons after school, kill time for two hours by hanging in Carson with my mom getting lunch and picking up my brother from practice, then went to the school at six o clock for pep band for the girl's volley ball game. I was wiped when I got home. My friend Jessica left a message but I was too tired to call her back. I heard today she may have cancer because a month ago she had two ovarian cysts and when she went to get them checked yesterday, I was told they had popped and her breasts were lumpy, but they do not know if she has cancer or not. I really hope not. Today feels like a breeze compared to yesterday. All I did was go to band (enjoy that class), watch a movie on China in history, do math work (time flew by), eat lunch, watch a movie on Ebola in biology class, play on the computer all hour in computer apps, then read in english all hour (its a good book)and ride the bus home while listening to my CD player with no pressure at all...Ahh, peaceful in my opinion. I also found out that my old elementary music teacher who taught for my first and second grade years, and works at the Carson City lanes does guitar lessons! I knew she played the guitar but I didn't think she did lessons. My little brother is on the bowling league so he goes every Saturday morning, and I used to tag along with him to visit Paul. (after he broke up wiht me I hardly ever come along anymore). I'll just go tomorrow morning and ask Amy if I would be able to take lessons from her. That is all the exciting and close to exciting things that happened today so far. Peace Out!

Song Of The Day: "Feel The Noise" - Quiet Riot

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